How to get the best out of our hint system
Each hint for clues will be provided in the order most ideal to solve, however you may have solved these in a different order, make sure you have given all parts of the envelope a go before getting a hint on just one part, you may need to solve an alternate clue to lead onto the other.
If you have given all parts a go and it's time for some help please scroll on down, but wait! not too fast! If you want just a hint then scroll down only until you see the hint, if you keep scrolling it will then tell you how to solve the puzzle and then onto the answer of that puzzle, and then onto the next part of the envelope game of which will repeat the same system finally onto the envelope answer.
Part One

Text? Perhaps we need to look at a phone key pad? Remember those days of key pad texting, tap tap tap? If we look at a phone dial pad (or the one on the decoder sheet) we can decode the message on the napkin.
How to Solve:
Using your phones dial pad, translate the numbers into letters. If there is one number, it means it is the first letter in the number, if there are two numbers, this is the second letter in the number.
3,666,66,8 = DON’T
8,777,88,7777,8 = TRUST
2,66,999,666,66,33 = ANYONE
Part Two

So now we know that we Don't trust anyone. If someone is lying about something, it's probably the OPPOSITE to the truth.
How to Solve:
Edward says we can trust him in the note, he says the code is purple, orange, red and blue. However clue one tells us ‘Don’t trust anyone’. To solve this clue, we have to assume that Edward is lying to us and the code is actually the opposite. Using the color wheel we can find out the correct code by using the colors and numbers opposite to purple, orange, red and blue.
This makes the answer Yellow, Blue, Green, Orange
Envelope Answer: 6451
Part One

The noise complaint says to reflect on the letter. The woman in the photograph also appears to be reading off the mirror. Use a mirror or reflective surface to decode the message, reading off the mirror.
How to Solve:
The Noise Complaint notice has the work ‘reflect’ in italics, this is hinting that we will need to reverse the encoded message at the bottom in order to translate it to English. This can be done with a mirror/reflective surface OR by taking a photo of the encoded message and flipping the image.

Letter, Pearls, Wedding Date
Part Two

Lacy was wrapped around Edwards finger. Try wrap the pearls around your finger until the symbols match up. Decode what you find.
How to Solve:
Lacy’s notes mentions a string of pearls and ‘wrapped around your finger’, this hints that we need to wrap the string of pearls around our finger. When done correctly this will create the roman numeral X. If we are not sure how to read roman numerals, there is a guide on the decoder sheet in Envelope One.
X in roman numerals is 10
Part Three

Try reading down the letter from Lacy rather than across.
How to Solve:
The word ‘down’ in Lacy’s letter hints that we should read down the letter, when we do this we can see that the first letter of each line spells a number.
Part Four

Use the date on the letter to figure out the date of the wedding. Use only the day as your code.
How to Solve:
From solving Hint One in Envelope Two, we know we need to get a number from each of these three things – Letter, Pearls, Wedding Date. To solve we need to figure out what the date of Lacy & Clarke’s wedding is based off the details provided in the invitation and Lacy’s letter. We know from the letter that Lacy wrote the letter on Friday the 25th of January 1924, and both the letter and invitation says that the wedding is next Sunday. The next Sunday after Friday the 25th of Jan is February 3rd, based off the knowledge that January has 31 days.
3rd February = 3
Envelope Answer: 8103
Using the order described in the noise complaint note, we can order the numbers we have gotten from each clue into the following: Letter (8), Pearls (10), Wedding Date (3). The final code is 8103.
Part One

Decode the Pig-Pen code using the cipher found on the decoder sheet from Envelope One. This will give you an order.
How to Solve:
Using the translator from Envelope One, translate the pigpen cipher into English.
Martini, Scotch, Champagne, Gin and Tonic.
Part Two

Take note of every letter missing in Edward’s letter.
How to Solve:
Work out which letters are missing from Edward’s letter, there are 16.
All the missing letters spell: Gin and Tonic is one.
Part Three
Take note of the room number and the name of the hotel.
How to Solve:
Notice the room number and the name of the hotel, scotch is one of the drinks we need a code for.
Therefore Scotch = 5.
Part Four

Pay special attention to the stamp on the postcard!
How to Solve:
Notice the number on the stamp with the martini, one of the drinks we need a code for is Martini.
Martini = 7
Part Five

Lacy talks about a wedding poem. She specifically mentions 'and of course something blue!', this is a hint to focus on blue. Go back to the color wheel.
How to Solve:
To solve we will need to go back to the color wheel in Envelope One and note which number blue is. Lacy & Clarke are in champagne, France.
Champagne = 4 (Blue)
Envelope Answer: 7541
Now that we have found the corresponding number for each drink, we can re-order the numbers based of the ciphered message we decoded earlier = Martini, Scotch, Champagne, Gin and Tonic. The answer is 7541.

Part One

This looks like morse code! Have we found a translator anywhere?
How to Solve:
Use the morse code translator from Envelope One to translate the morse code. Each / is a space.
"When I set eyes on you."
Part Two

Look back through the envelopes, is there any reference to when Edward first saw Lacy?
How to Solve:
On the back of Edwards letter to Lacy from Envelope 3, there is a photo of Lacy captioned 'The first day I set eyes on you' .
The date on the photo is 9.5.21
Envelope Answer: 9521
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